Spiritual Weightlifting

people, things, ideas that make our lives lighter

Friday, November 25, 2005

Spiritual Weightlifters

There are certain people - therapists, clergy, artists, friends, your spouse or children - who are exceptionally good at making you feel, well, lighter. Not necessarily enlightened or anything deep or high like that. But lighter. They know how to make light of dark things that happen to you. They take that certain load off your mind or heart or whatever is weighing you down.

It's a skill, is what it is. It's sometimes performed with humor. Sometimes with simple companionship. Sometimes with even simpler listening. And it often requires great emotional strength. Because we get so heavy. Because, when someone really helps, they have to share the weight.

These people are what we are calling "spiritual weightlifters." And this weblog is a small gift that we are devoting to them and what they do.


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